We shortly report some questions you can ask yourself about this with related answers:
+ Olaolaonline.net is a free service? The image host service Olaolaonline.net is completely free!
+ How long uploaded images will remain avaibles on Olaolaonline.net? All posted images, if respecting the terms of service, will remain avaibles on the service until they will not be requested at least 1 time in the last 12 months.
+ Uploaded images are under the privacy rules? Of course, every single images is covered by the italian privacy law n.675 of 12/31/1996.
+ How many images can I upload? How much as you want! Of course, the download or visualisation rate varies with the number of users and requests, so please don't abuse!
+ Which are the extensions of the images one can upload? Olaolaonline.net limits the upload to the following extensions: .jpg/.jpeg - .gif - .png.
+ How can I visualise uploaded images? Once uploaded your file, you will se a new page with information on the file itself and a list of links to insert in your webpage, forum or blog.
+ I have a question, how can I contact you? Click on the Contacts link on the menu bar and fill the form. Please, remember your e-mail address to have an answer